
Sunlight Reality - The Man of the Crowd

Sunlight Reality - The Man of the CrowdMusic by Cooper, Lyrics by Vlad TarasovStreets like rivers in the mistLost and helpless in a chaotic streamLonely in this stuffy townA dense tangle of iron and steelWhen the night lights turn onSmiling evil creeps out of the holesCarnival of greed and lustInsolence, dirty market of soulsPlease find yourself, Man of the crowdJust find a peace, get rid of your doubtsDon\'t turn around, no knees on the groundMan of the crowd, Man of the crowdYou don\'t remember your own nameGhosts of the past in the exhausted mindRiddles of guilty conscienceTerrifying tales of a wizened heartLooking for the only thingSurrounded by estranged faces and eyesDestination is unclearWalls and stairs, disorderly waysRun away from the morning sunMaybe your shelter is a narrow chink,Which you see in a mirror\'s dawnBared teeth of your deepest fear
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