17 лет


69 55%
I suddenly waked up in the night and saw the light
And heavens open gates for me to step inside
Then I dissolved in space and disappeared in time
But in the morning I'll be back and I'll be fine

Colourful lightnings flashed inside my head
I was sold for organs, and it was not so bad
My flesh is bread and my blood is wine
But in the morning I'll be back and I'll be fine

And every night You whisper in my ear
The final goal of my existence here
I thought that I would never cross the line
But in the morning I'll be back and I'll be fine

I can not move a limb, I am fettered by fear
In sarcophagus of my own despair
My mission failed, 'cause I didn't even try
By in the morning I'll be back, and I'll be fine