
When I'll Jump Out Of A Window

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When I'll jump out of a window
And when I'll fly above the buildings
I know exactly that my widow
Will cry for me with bitter tears...

When I'm drunk when I'm walking
Along a road between big green trees
It must look funny 'cause I'm talking
With my own legs and with my fingers:

Where am I ? Where now you lead me ?
Where my shoes ? Where my money ?
Who will save me ? Who will now feed me ?
You see - it is not very funny.

Your tears sting me more than fire
But can its light the ones who dead ?
Your words are true like milk and bread
But when you're crying I'm silent.

My heart was hot when I was young
But now it's cold and hard like stone
I know : I have to be alone
What must I do ? What should be done ?

When I'll jump out of the window
And when I'll fly above the green hills
I am assured : only you will
Cry for my life with proper feelings.

05.09.2008 y.
История создания
В двух словах : Когда я выйду из окна И полечу по - над домами, Я знаю точно : ты одна Заплачешь горькими слезами...