Способность петь григорианские распевы даже женским и детским голосом не используя при этом электроники. Я также предлагаю здесь вашему вниманию мой новый проект на этом сайте под названием ''Dominus Chorale''.
Здесь Вы сможете услышать голос, которым когда-то пели композиторы эпохи барокко. Человек живущий в посёлке Гiрник Львовской области, который и пел эти песни был учителем группы ''Van Canto'', он и является последним представителем этой умершей эпохи в этом современном чёрством для этого величайшего искусства мире. Этот певец обладает способностью петь женским голосом самые высокие ноты то есть обладает белтинг техникой лучше всех композиторов классиков и способностью петь партитуры оркестровок, отголоски хора, партитуры для органа и хорал за весь хор ангелов на легато. Эту способность он проявляет во всех песнях на этой страничке этого музыкального форума.
This singer has the ability to sing very high notes with a female voice, that is, he has a belting technique better than all classical composers. You can contact this Genius also on the social network - https://vk.com/id482786578
Singer who is creator of this page is musical teacher of ''Van Canto'' and ''Despised Icon'' groups, he was the first in the world, who sing bel canto, copying with his voice sounds of acoustic guitar, electric guitar, cello, violin, horn, organ, button accordion, saxophone and flute and he is inventor of the music definition ''Rakka takka'', which the group ''Van Canto'' stole from him and inventor of the "classic trance" style, in which he combined classical music and dubstep. He also combined classical academic singing and dubstep vocals. He is music teacher and forbidden legend of classical chanson, who is a victim of cultural Nazism by skin color and inter-race because of his skill as a bel canto, because he is inventor of lyric-coloratura сountertenor in classical chanson, but a sample of his vocals was stolen from him by the band's ''BTS'' producer and credited to Park Ji-min, after which the producer of this group made this singer against the will of the whole group ''BTS'' as a church singer countertenor in Ukrainian Wikipedia along with all the most famous and professional church singers (countertenors). He was vocals samples also stolen by a group ''Gregorian'', posing as church singers аnd advertising yourself. That is, the producer of the group "Gregorian" stole samples of samples of vocals from Marсо Nedayvoda. Marсo Nedayvoda invented an over-baroque system that is over above classical singing, when he sang ''musical sweep'' in the form of soprano vocals adjusted to the blues scale. He is inventor of the style ''dubstep'', which he invented on accordion, synthesizer, percussion instruments and in the form of his bass vocals and highest vocals, the sounds of which are now illegally used by all the stars of this style. The people of this world declared war on him so that the this great singer could not get to the concert so that lovers style Christian ''Post-hardcore'', Christian ''Deathcore'', Christian ''Thrashcore'' and Christian ''Rakka Takka'' not would hear the classical performance of music in these genres. He is inventor of lyric-coloratura contralto and he is the last representative of this deceased Baroque era in the modern church and in this modern Nazism for this world's greatest art. He is music teacher, who is a victim of cultural Nazism by skin color and inter-race because of his skill as a bel canto, forbidden legend of classical chanson, person who can sing coloratura bel canto on exhalation so as to sing in legato, smoothly changing his breath and switch to bel canto on a change of breath, inventor of the style ''Post-hardcore'' and ''Thrashcore'' on accordion, percussion instruments and piano, оne from the inventors of the digital button accordion and digital customized accordion for styles ''Post-hardcore'', ''Christian Deathcore'' and classical for organ, inventor of a ready-to-select digital customized accordion and ready-to-select digital custom button accordion without ready-to-select system in order to play classical music and music in ''Post-hardcore'' and ''Christian Deathcore'' style and holder of the world's largest vocal range, the person able to sing with his voice the fastest ''musical sweep'' lyric soprano, lyrical-coloratura soprano and children's male and female vocals in lyrical-coloratura soprano, man against whom the people of this world have declared war, so that all lovers of style ''Post-hardcore'' and ''Rakka takka'' did not hear the classical performance of music in the style ''Post-hardcore'' and ''Rakka takka'', inventor of classical highest vocals of the style ''Post-hardcore'', Christian ''Post-hardcore'', Christian ''Deathcore'' and ''Rakka takka'', inventor of classical DJing in the form of his vocal sounds (vocal teacher) in Beatboxing vocals, dubstep style ''Post-hardcore'', ''Christian Post-hardcore'' and ''Rakka takka'' highest vocals, сreator of the style ''Post-hardcore'' together with classical composers (Johann Sebastian Bach, Alessandro Scarlatti, Vincenzo Bellini and Sergei Prokofiev) and one of the first founders of the style ''Christian Post-hardcore'' and ''Christian Deathcore'' and the last representative of the deceased Baroque era in the world. Singer who is creator of this page was a man able to sing and laugh with lyrical soprano and lyrical bass, man who can sing coloratura bel canto in the voice of all birds on a legato with giggles, man who can sing bel canto or sweep picking in the voice of a newborn baby, person who can sing coloratura bel canto on a legato with a female child's voice and the voices of all chicks (of any bird species), man who is able to sing bel canto and coloratura bel canto in the voice of chicken, pigeon, eagle, falcon, hawk, kite, pheasant, cuckoo, partridge, giraffe, tit, crow, jay, swallows, parrot, vulture and turkey on legato, man who can sing in a female voice part's for the female sopranos in one register without switching to the countertenor from the female or children's female vocals with which he sings, man who defeated the male vocal cords and can sing in a purely female and female child voice imitating the great singers, man who can sing coloratura bel canto in the voice of birds with giggles, person who can sing coloratura bass and coloratura soprano to the rhythm of two bass barrels on percussion instruments that play in a metal band, inventor of classical extreme vocals, person capable of singing a musical sweep in the form of coloratura singing in the child's voice and the voice of birds, man capable of singing lyric-dramatic soprano in a female voice and a female child's voice, and singing a dramatic soprano in the form of singing the tit, falcon, magpie, hawk, tit, jay and eagle he mimics, person who can sing at the same time with lyrical bass and lyrical soprano, as well as lyrical tenor and lyrical soprano, a person capable of singing opera with the sounds of an acoustic piano and a wheel lyre, he is a man who can sing bel canto in the voice of a hare, man who can sing chicken bel canto in legato in the format sweep picking, using bel canto in a giggle throat, man capable of singing with the voice of a woman and the voice of a raven at the same time, person capable of singing in the voice of an old woman and the sounds of singing a raven at the same time, Tsar of Opera and Operetta, Classic hip hop legend (the last representative), person who knows how to sing coloratura soprano in the form of sounds of crow singing, person, who can sing bel canto in the form of horn sounds, as well as in the form of eagle, dove and crow singing sounds, person capable of singing the sound of an organ bass and female child soprano at the same time and a musical teacher of ''Van Canto'' and ''Despised Icon'' groups, he was the first in the world, who sing bel canto, copying with his voice sounds of acoustic guitar, electric guitar, cello, violin, bandura, horn, bagpipes, organ, button accordion, saxophone, flute and piccolo flute in legato and staccatto, classical composer who can sing in the voice of Vincenzo Bellini, Dmitri Shostakovich, Pauline Viardo, Tarja Turunen, Ville Hermanni Valo, Anne Nurmi, Richard Wagner, Gaspare Luigi Pacifico Spontini, Franz Schubert, Raisa Kirichenko, Felix Mendelssohn, Frédéric Chopin, Georges Bizet, Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, Camille Saint-Saëns, Robert Schumann, Johann Strauss, Paganini Niccolo, Khachaturian Aram, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, María Malibrán, Mykola Kolessa, Levko Revutsky, Henriette Gertrude Walpurgis Sontag, Ferenc Liszt, Sofia Rotaru, Giulia Grisi, Krushelnitskaya Salomea, Hector Berlioz, Nestor Makhno, Mykola Leontovych, Mykola Lysenko, Valery Meladze, Michael Krug and Gioacchino Rossini and he is inventor of the music definition ''Rakka takka'', which the group ''Van Canto'' stole from him, person capable of singing in a child's voice (female and male) in the form of organ sounds and inventor of the "classic trance" style, in which he combined classical music and dubstep. To this great singer don't allow to hold concerts of memory of great composers of an era of baroque with his best execution of their classical music. People of this world through envy do not allow this great and brilliant singer to get to the concert to sing bel canto, since it must be sung in baroque music. He is the best baroque performer and classical music begins to suffer from his absence from the stage. He also combined classical academic singing and dubstep vocals. Marсo Nedayvoda is inventor of the definition ''musical sweep'' for a singer who sings bass and lyrical bass (he was stolen from this musical definition and crooks without his consent to it began to play these musical techniques on the bass guitar, advertising yourself), after which the people of this world, who unfairly began to advertise the musicians of the crooks who stole his style, declared war for great singer. And this is his slave national identification number (national ID) - 3315703638
Инструменты и оборудование
He also sings all orchestrations on his vocal recordings. The pinnacle of his vocal prowess in 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNT4zy6Qwig