
,,Другое измерение - 2", сл. и муз. Ольги Скрябиной.

Авторская песня ,,Другое измерение -2" записана 29 января 2011 года.Another dimensionOlga Scriabin 3 Yesterday I was in another dimension And I say that not thrilled I was away, Strange objects I watched with amazement, Have not seen this in any more movies. Perhaps, in this city I have one left, May never meet me people Silence dumb scary depressing Only on the horizon, the silhouettes of unfamiliar vehicles. What happened to the panic of people help, And in response to my cry just a blank silence, Scarlet glow to the sky, the rescue, However, the sun is shining and the cold moon. What happened, how to get back to me now back Where to find the answer to my question, People, help me, I want I want back, immediately, Well, what kind of goblin me into this world he brought. So I stand and think, well, what do we do now One poor man in this dreadful silence, I could probably fix it myself, But the alarm clock rang, I was in a dream.