Other Noises
Ivan Kazakov
О себе:
Other Noises is independent music from Siberia: eccentric English vocal and Woodstock’s energetic with its own modern presentation. This is mix of rock, funk and indie, meanwhile something distinctive musically. Other Noises brazenly uses same notes such great rock bands like Aerosmith, G’n’R etc… They use all eight notes! In the era of mass love of indie music, electronics and other things - band believes in the old rock, but doing it in a new way. Have you seen “Vinyl”? – It’s almost about them. And, by the way, they do it in English - that doesn’t matter for the whole world, but in Russia it isn’t very patriotic and fraught with expulsion from the country of its president. And yes, guitarist of Other Noises is often compared to Pete Townshend.
40 лет

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other noises

Other Noises is new wave rock band of the modern rock, its fresh but created on experience of the musical world scene of the last years. Other Noises is continuing traditions of the best.