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The Immortal

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Trap на текст пророческой поэмы Уильяма Блейка "Книга Лоса". Глава 2 William Blake "The Book of Los", Chapter 2
Краткое описание
Trap на текст пророческой поэмы Уильяма Блейка "Книга Лоса". Глава 2 William Blake "The Book of Los", Chapter 2
Над треком работали
Александр Белоусов, Михаил Мясоедов
Автор музыки
Александр Белоусов
Автор текста
William Blake
Trap на текст пророческой поэмы Уильяма Блейка "Книга Лоса". Глава 2 William Blake "The Book of Los", Chapter 2
История создания
трек записан весной 2022 года под впечатлением от масштаба замысла Блейка
The Book of Los by William Blake
Михаил Мясоедов
The Immortal stood frozen amidst the vast rock of eternity;
Times and times; a night of vast durance:
Impatient, stifled, stiffend, hardned. Till impatience no longer
Could bear the hard bondage, rent: rent, the vast solid
With a crash from immense to immense. Crack'd across into numberless fragments
The Prophetic wrath, strug'ling for
Vent hurls apart, stamping furious to dust and crumbling with bursting
Sobs; heaves the black marble on high into fragments

Hurl'd apart on all sides, as a falling Rock: the innumerable fragments away
Fell asunder; and horrible vacuum beneath him and on all sides round.
Falling, falling! Los fell and fell sunk precipitant heavy down down
Times on times, night on night, day on day
Truth has bounds. Error none: falling, falling: Years on years, and ages on Ages.
Still he fell thro' the void, still a void found for falling day and night without end.
For tho' day or night was not; their spaces were measurd by his insesant whirls
In the horrid vacuity bottomless.

The Immortal revolving; indignant First in wrath threw his
Limbs, like the babe New born into our world: wrath subsided
And contemplative thoughts first arose then aloft his head rear'd in the
Abyss and his down-ward-borne fall. Chang'd oblique

The Immortal stood frozen amidst the vast rock of eternity;
Times and times; a night of vast durance:
Impatient, stifled, stiffend, hardned. Till impatience no longer
Could bear the hard bondage, rent: rent, the vast solid
With a crash from immense to immense. Crack'd across into numberless fragments
The Prophetic wrath
The Prophetic wrath, strug'ling for vent Hurls apart, stamping
Furious to dust and crumbling with bursting sobs; heaves
The black marble on high into fragments

The Immortal revolving; indignant First in wrath threw his
Limbs, like the babe New born into our world: wrath subsided
And contemplative thoughts first arose Then aloft his head rear'd in the
Abyss and his down-ward-borne fall. Chang'd oblique

Many ages of groans: till there grew
Branchy forms. organizing the Human into
Finite inflexible organs.
Till in process from falling he bore
Sidelong on the purple air, wafting
The weak breeze in efforts oerwearied.
Incessant the falling
Mind labour'd Organizing itself: till the
Vacuum Became element, pliant to rise,
Or to fall, or to swim, or to fly: Or to fall, or to swim, or to fly:
With ease searching the dire vacuity