
Ekaterina & Daisy - Encounters in China - A China Icons Video

Ekaterina & Daisy - Encounters in China - A China Icons Video
Here it is just my re-post from China Icons channel

Ekaterina Shelehova (Canada) and Daisy Zhong (China) are the next generation of opera singers. In 2019 they met in Suzhou, China, at an academy for young singers from around the world and immediately hit it off.

Daisy and Ekaterina were learning to perform both western and Chinese operas - because they were performing in lots of different languages they had to help each other to understand the others' languages.

Singing in Chinese was difficult for Ekaterina because – even with Chinese language tutors – it was still difficult for her to identify the correct moments in the music to come in or continue. Daisy helped her recognise the tones of Chinese language, and gave hand signals to help her timing.

During the workshop Ekaterina performed in an opera flashmob that celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China.

At the end of their time at the academy, the whole group took part in a finale performance in Suzhou. Daisy and Ekaterina sang both Chinese and Western pieces as part of the ensemble.

Daisy is now studying music in New York, and Ekaterina is working as singer in Milan, Italy.

Ekaterina and Daisy shared their story for the 70th anniversary of the founding of modern China.

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