
Story of a cat suffering panic attacks. A cat named Kot.

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Once upon a time
When the days were hot
Dust was climbing high
Oxygen was not

On a sunny spot
Sat a tiny Kot
Trams were rumbling by
Kot was scared a lot

No one ever wondered
What the Kot had raved
What the Kot had thought
No one ever cared

And the Kot had thought:
What if I get caught?!
What if I get fried
On a frying pot?!
What if I get frozen?!
What if I get boiled?!
What if I get stirred?!
What if I get stoved?!

What if I get fought
By another Kot?!
What if I get stuck?!
What if I get hurt?!

What if I get fallen?!
What if I get lost?!
What if I am starving?!
What if I get thirst?!

If I'm chosen first
On the Mars to host
How can I survive
How I get resourced
How can I there breathe
What if I exhaust
What if I get squeezed/extinct
Who had that proposed?

No one ever wondered
What the Kot had raved
What the Kot had thought
No one ever cared

Oh, my Holy Ghost
Can’t you see I’m lost
Can’t you see I’m frightened
And I suffer thirst

Great shall be your mercy
I will praise you most
Now if you don’t hear me
Then would come the worst

Stumbled Holy Spirit
Hiccupped Holy Ghost
Stopped for a moment
Thought of what was heard

And the Holy Spirit
Came across the Kot
He was weird and tiny
He was really short

And his voice was sweat
And his steps were soft
Comforting was his touch
Safest was his hold

Oh, my dear baby
Oh, my desperate Kot
Now you won’t believe that (You’re the one I thought of)
You’re the one I sought

No one ever wondered
What the Kot had raved
What the Kot had thought
No one ever cared

Once upon a time
On a sunny spot
Black fat cat was sleeping
With the one who sought
Краткое описание
История Кота, страдающего паническими атаками. Песня для детей.
История создания
Ребеночек играл с Котом и сочинял стишок о нём:) Записано 6.04.2019 1:00