14 лет

Each Time

422 59%
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Композиция доступна для скачивания в различных форматах (в т.ч. lossless) на
Excite (EP)
Excite Studio / Uma2rmaH Studio
What if your route leads into nowhere?
What if no one will take your hand?

So many stones fell in my yard,
I’m not afraid 'em any more.

So many fools knocked at my door,
I never lock it... What for?

Each time all things go wrong,
Each time your thoughts are so bad,

Each time... Revenge is pumping,
Pumping in your head...

What if your life is chasing a ghost?
What if no one will give you smile?

The more I worked with those I hate,
The more they wanted in my bed;

The more complains were on my mind,
The more obscure days I had.

Each time all things go wrong,
Each time my thoughts are so mad,
Each time revenge is pumping!

You made me feel 61 -
For most of us all is gone
You made me so sick.

You made me kneel twice a day
You built a fence in ma way
You made me go. Go Away.

I'm telling you. I'm out of it.
I've passed through all my fears.

I'm telling you - forget it.
Last thing I wanna do - is HIDE.