Дверь сердца
Студия: self-release
Описание:Стиль альбома - арт-металл. Важная особенность - разнообразное гитарное звучание: от запилов до убаюкивающих частей а ля Pink Floyd. В альбом входит 8 композиций. "The door of heart" is the third studio album of EGO EIMI. This album is a something like a development of "ideas" containing in the second album "I'm living" (2001), but with more emphasis on both prog-metal and and atmospheric elements. However, again we meet with male vocals in Russian (singing Christian lyrics) and very interesting guitar work. But now electric guitar strongly "crowds out" acoustic one. Conclusion: this album is the unique combination of progressive rock/metal, guitar work a la Petrucci, nice vocal melodies and keyboard-based atmospheric music. The breathtaking material... Progressive Archive The album contains 8 tracks.