13 лет


27 62%
Над треком работали
Cerberus - text; Vandal - music
Песня о перевоплощении человека в оборотня точнее ведьмы в волчицу.
Nothing is Truth Everything is Allowed
Blacklight studio
On the faces of Christians.
Sudden fear from hellish lands.
Came from the tides of dark night.
Desire for fresh human flesh…
Monstrous Wolf, living in hunger.
Carrying the cold of victim in his heart
Eyes bursted bloody stare.
The beast will head the ritual.

Committing deserting raid
Covering white snow with blood
Preventing hunger from the rage.
The human in the flesh of wolf – immortal!
Hunt in the forest in the moonlight.
And sound of shot, which will be heard at the dawn.
Injured beast, fleeing from hunters.
Leaving bloody traces from his sores.

Midnight pursuit of shades
Leading through the deepness of the forest
And takes the hunters to the house.
And skies have heard the howl
Bleeding witch was lying there
Who drunk her life till (the) end
Gulping the air down, dying...
“I’m not the last…” she scorned

Possessed by the Devil.
You are living by the wolfish rules.
Leaving your lifeless body.
You are dying without courage