11 лет

03 - Goodbye America

26 30%
Над треком работали
Максим Романов, Роман Спиридонов
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AT product
I hate America, mama,
I hate Barack Obama.
In total that comes from the West.
It is a poison. Russia the best.
In plans at you to conquer the world.
I am a pity to press the button I can not.
We have hands, at you the head.
Hands on the head. Yes I bad.

Farewell, America, America, farewell.
I will pass to the following level.
Good-bye, America. America, good-bye.
Yes guessed, it I.
Farewell, America, America, farewell.
I will pass to the following level.
Good-bye, America. America, good-bye.
Yes guessed, it I.

There is a people crowd.
Goes today to load.
Corpses of the dissatisfied.
Which will lie.
Fat persons and bodies,
Can't fly, as butterflies.
They will fall about the earth,
There where cold and dead North.