

694 / 0 / 15 лет
Say just ya loose and i will believe
This is your only one chance to live
Not satisfy that u are damned by me?
So stupid guy can't visit ALI
When the train crush your painted hair
Huge bald patch dream to u in nightmare
Now everybody don't want u to fuck
After the carring of the ruck muck cack
One part of stiff shit.One part of common urine
Say just u loose,the win is mine)

Say just you loose my dear tear damn box
Exactly knowing that your own life baby is sux
Flying plane now choose the place to fall
Can't not to note even dishevelled hole
Not speak about the red rabid bus
Trip of which guy will be to u the last
Don't want this whore the way to realize
It would be bloody sordid but very sexy surprise
One part of stiff shit.One part of common urine
Say just you loose retarded scumbagly wine

Say just you loose.Degenerate cruel end...
What?you find yourself in uninhabited land
Toy-ship didn't endure such global fart
Noble "Titanic" lost one big metal part
Thanks to you the offender escape from prison
Drats!Your ginger dirty head was to this the reason
I hope some genius will put stick in your ass
Reached small cranium and unpack mortal fouling mess
One part of stiff shit.One part of common urine
Say just u loose,it would be fine

Say just you loose, you don't have more arm
Falling in the shit, i'll not pick up you,warn!
When Maddona burped to your face,it grew turbid
Accepted as a honour, like the most greaten bid
But after two days you girl already infect
Syphilis it's very sharply for the suckers, it's fact
Show me little finger,if you don't like world
I'm an agent of the Satan,screwy,awful and old.
One part of stiff shit.One part of common urine
Say just you loose, my pretty cheerful vagina