
«Love Is Stronger Than Death» | Album Trailer

The official trailer for the music album «Love is Stronger than Death», 2021.
«Love Is Stronger Than Death» is a piercing sincere album written in a modern classical style. It consists of 7 compositions reflecting different moods: sadness, happyness, romantic.
Most of the album was written in Moscow. It absorbed the atmosphere of a city saturated with contrasts, and therefore I decided to devote it to the capital of the best country in the world.
The title of the album refers us to the thoughts of the multi-genre of love. After all, love can be not only for a person, but also for a city, nature or mystical teachings. Therefore, I invite you to this musical and emotional journey and I hope that the album will not leave you indifferent.
— Composer Semion Krivenko-Adamov ©

Классика / 107 / / 2 года