14 лет

Beautiful Dream (irish song)

295 47%
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Lestat de Llamorte
Once I was told of a beautiful dream
Some fair lady did see
Once I was told of a beautiful dream
Then I wished this true could be
Once I had wish I desired to go
Into this beautiful dream
Once I desired, asked that lady go
There together with me

Once we believed, oh once we believed
In our beautiful dream
Once we believed… still searching for it…
For our beautiful dream…

Once I was told of a beautiful dream
Some fair lady did see
Once I was told… now we are very old
What was that beautiful dream?
Once we believed and we went on our quest
Leaving the rest for the hope
Now we are old… we’ve been o’er the world
Lost our youth on the road…

Once we believed, oh once we believed
In our beautiful dream
Once we believed… many times grieved…
Where is that beautiful dream?

Once I was told of a beautiful dream
Some fair lady did see
Was it some kind of a fraudulent dream?
Who is that lady for me?