17 лет

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

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Music & lyrix by Michael Star Feive
(previously not released)
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

It's hard stepping aside
To reconcile your pride
If somebody doubts that you're right
Try to restrain from fight
Your enemies want to provoke your dislike
Don't hurry to strike
They wait for you try
They just wanna see you will die
Don't turn wild
Let sleeping dogs lie

It's wrong to suppose right now
That you would never fall down
And if you've looked once around
You'd've seen a dangerous town
The killer awaits for you with bated breath
To put you to death
He knows you'll go by
He just wanna see you will die
Don't go by
Let sleeping dogs lie

So far in hands of the law
I know you've been never before
But this time your end's gonna come
I see you in black uniform
The old Judge is looking at you with a smile
He's satisfied
He could set you free
But he's gonna see you will die
Don't ask why
Let sleeping dogs lie