18 лет

War Against The Locust And The Madness

55 57%
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В мрачном мире будущего нет места для свободомыслия. Транснациональные корпорации правят миром, они диктуют правила. Сможет ли один человек противостоять всеобщей технократии?
Intro: Declare The Oecumenical Dominators


Gods and microbes are born in the same place,
Like the swans they glide through the lake of lava.
Livid visages frozen in surface,
Look at interosculation of human and larva.

Victims of ultimate damnation,
All they need is just obliteration...
Dark ones, follow me! Burn this world in flames!
Lo, I summon thee with sinister aims!

Whore-marchioness at Death's masked-ball
Hiding her fangs seduces the jester,
At twelve o'clock her mask will fall
Revealing wounds that stink and fester.

Jaded embryo in carnal zygote sleeps and see a strange dream:
Pestilence and plague... zymotic diseases and insanity gyrated in a vortex...
Sickening efflorecence brought by insects in grandeurous epidermis.

Dogma! The running knot!
Curse! Pre-natal rot!

In servility paroxysm altar was blessed,
Maiden with wide opened blue childish eyes is dying undressed... You're next.
Exaggerative violence rules, gauge exiled,
Nidus channel opened, contagion is fertile... You'll die.