8 лет

Dolores Haze (Lolita)

344 33%
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песенка Гумберта Гумберта про сбежавшую Лолиту
Краткое описание
песенка Гумберта Гумберта про сбежавшую Лолиту
Автор музыки
Валера Хренников
Автор текста
Владимир Набоков
Валера Хренников
песенка Гумберта Гумберта про сбежавшую Лолиту из одноимённого романа Владимира Набокова на английском и русском языках. Музыка и адаптация текста: Валера Хренников. Сочинение и запись 2015-го года.
Wanted, wanted: Dolores Haze.
Hair is brown. Lips are scarlet.
Age: five thousand three hundred days.
Occupation: none, or "starlet."

Where're you hiding, Dolores Haze?
Why are you hiding, darling?
(I talk in a daze, I walk in a maze,
I can't get out, said the starling).

Where're you riding, Dolores Haze?
What make is the magic carpet?
Is a Cream Cougar the present craze?
And where are you parked, my car pet?

Who's your hero, Dolores Haze?
Still one of those blue-caped star-men?
Oh the balmy days and the palmy bays,
And the cars, and the bars, my Carmen!
Wanted: Dolores Haze.

Wanted, wanted: Dolores Haze.
Her dream-gray gaze never flinches.
Ninety pounds is all she weighs
With a height of sixty inches.

My car is limping, Dolores Haze,
And the last long lap is the hardest,
And I'll be dumped where the weed decays,
And the rest is rust and stardust.

Officer, officer, there they go-
In the rain, where that lighted store is!
And her socks are white, and I love her so,
And her name is Haze, Dolores.

Officer, officer, there they are-
Dolores Haze and her lover!
Whip out your gun and follow that car.
Now tumble out, and take cover.
Wanted (hunted): Dolores Haze.

Ищут, ищут Долорес Гейз;
Кудри: русы. Губы: румяны,
Возраст: пять тысяч триста дней,
Род занятий: нимфетка экрана?

Ищут, ищут Долорес Гейз:
Взор дымчатый твёрд. Девяносто
Фунтов только весит она
При шестидесяти дюймах роста.

Ищут, ищут Долорес Гейз.
Wanted, wanted: Dolores Haze.
Ищут, ищут Долорес Гейз.
Wanted, wanted: Dolores Haze...