18 лет

You & Me

Над треком работали
Песня о ненависти к человеку, который не знает чего хочет, и при этом пытается добиться этого от тебя.
История создания
Данная песня была написана в период личных переживаний и, как многие могли догадаться, посвящена девушке.
homeSWEEThome records
I've heard so much lies,
I've felt so much pain.
My void inside of me
Is growing everyday.
I try to find the eyes
Which may give me a right reason.
But I found your cold heart
That could give me a gold preason.
I can't find the lost way!
I'll kill myself someday!
I know what you will say!
So you can be afraid!

I couldn't stay with you,
You wouldn't stay with me.
I want to save myself,
You want to kill me.
I tryed to get away
From all promises and wishes,
But you called my name,
And I get back to all these leashes!


I want to stay away
And I want to thrill you
You don't want to set me free
And I want to fill you...2 раза
DEAD!!! 4 раза