19 лет

I'm the one

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I'm the one.

I remember that mighty day
Then the winter mustered one's strenght
Everything is hide in vain hope to survive
And all of my feelings were ready to die

But something is happen
It looks like bright light
Fairy's are coming to rescue my life
My soul is start singing the Deum of God
And nature is echoed that prayer for that:

"Keep moving hard way on the road of God
It's very important to do holy job.
Our thoughts will be with you
In hardly instant".

Blessed smile is start playing on my haggard face
And there was a feeling what's on her place
Black shroud is slipped from my worn out eyes
And terrible cramp is stopped pressing my lungs

I think what's I dreaming, it's can't be a real
But sign in a heaven is make my mind clear
I see a small angel, that singing for me
So then I belief that there is nothing to fear
My soul will be saved the good inside me
Oblivion will pass me because I am the one
Who can to feel Darkness inside everyone.