19 лет

Noises of Russia & Olga Komok Live in Moscow. Part 2

80 55%
ШУМЫ РОССИИ & Ольга Комок (Москва-СПб) Cantigas de Santa Maria антология поэтических шедевров на кастильском языке + постиндустриальная эстетика apocalyptic-breath-noise Совместный проект breath-noise коллектива "Шумы России" и Ольги Комок (ансамбль средневековой музыки "Laterna Magica"), помещает музыку XIII - XIV веков в трагическое звуковое пространство современной городской цивилизации. Староиспанские кантиги исполненные под аккомпанимент колесной лиры (копии инструмента конца XIV века), сопровождаются гармоническими полифониями (landscapes), шумами (musique concrete, noise), и индустриальными ритмами. Участники СКИФ-7,СКИФ-8 (СПб) NOISES of RUSSIA and OLGA KOMOK collaborative project CANTIGAS DE SANTA MARIA apocalyptic-breath-noise video by Yuriy Elik (project 2012) Performed at the SKIF-7,8 festival In this project the authentic medieval songs of XIII century were combined with contemporary spirare-noise music. In the program CANTIGAS DE SANTA MARIA performed by spirare-noise group NOISES of RUSSIA and OLGA KOMOK (the leader of the medieval music collective LATERNA MAGICA) the authentic Spanish music of XIII-XIV centuries is placed into the dramatic sound landscape of the modern urban civilization. Old Spanish spiritual songs (cantigas) singing to the accompaniment of wheel lyre (it's a modern copy of XIV century instrument) are accompanied by harmonic polyphonies (so-called landscapes), noises (music concrete, noise), industrials sounds and rhythms. Currently NOISES of RUSSIA and OLGA KOMOK are preparing the release of their debut CD album CANTIGAS DE SANTA MARIA at the Russian label RECORD ONE. The launch is planned for 2006. more in detail about the project (internet explorer)