
Lost fairy-tale of love

313 / 0 / 15 лет
when that a long ago there was a girl
in which I was in recklessly love
I simply only lived it
time was as in a fairy-tale
but it abandoned me
and left a wound in a heart

it the lost fairy-tale of love
in a heart left cold track
simply forever from a heart go away
that nepomnit' never this pain

every day I remember a that fairy-tale
those warm days when were only I and only you
this love scotched me forever
anymore so able to love never

it the lost fairy-tale of love
in a heart left injured track
simply forever from a heart go away
that nepomnit' never this pain

a fairy-tale was torn off and with it all dreams
it is heavy to live if not alongside you
to be to on semu you quietly go
away I understood that I was not loved by you
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Вдохновение )Посвящаеться одной прекрасной девушке которая была в моей жизни